50 Years of Experience
The company specializes in the activities of anticorrosive surface treatments and special metal coatings and offers itself, through the high quality of the service, to institutional and private customers in contexts with a high technological content in the industrial and aeronautical fields.
In order to offer a global service in the 90s, the company specializes in the field of scaffolding, insulation and soundproofing.

Why choose us?
We are qualified and professional
Over the years the company has strengthened the operational capabilities in its core business and at the same time acquired new know-how in different sectors, becoming one of the leading companies on the national scene.
Ultime News
Presentati gli M346FA in Turkmenistan
Il Presidente del Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ha fatto visita a una delle basi aeree del Paese, presso la quale gli sono stati presentati i nuovi
Leonardo inizierà le consegne del C-27J Spartan “potenziato” dal 2021.
L’azienda aerospaziale italiana Leonardo ha recentemente annunciato che il C-27J Spartan Next Generation è entrato nella fase di test finale. 87 Spartan sono attualmente in servizio o su
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